Before 2010 papers Before 2010 papers

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[1] K. Mpoukouvalas, J. Wang, G. Wegner, Charge transport of polypyrrole core-shell nanoparticle films probed with dielectric spectroscopy, J. Appl. Phys., 106 (2009), 063706.

[2] J. Wang, L. Sun, K. Mpoukouvalas, B. Fassbender, E. Bonaccurso, G. Brunklaus, A. Muehlebach, T. Beierlein, R. Tilch, H.Butt, G. Wegner, Facile synthesis of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes as carriers for conducting polymers to be used in plastic electronics, Macromol. Chem. Phys., 201 (2009), 1504.

[3] J. Wang, L. Sun, K. Mpoukouvalas, K. Lienkamp, I. Lieberwirth, B. Fassbender, E. Bonaccurso, G. Brunklaus, A. Muehlebach, T. Beierlein, R. Tilch, H. Butt, G. Wegner,Construction of redispersible polypyrrole core-shell nanoparticles for application in polymer electronics, Advanced materials, 21 (2009), 1137.

[4] Q. Li, M. Retsch, J. Wang, W. Knoll, U. Jonas, Porous networks through colloidal templates, Topics in Current Chemistry - Templates in Chemistry III, 287 (2009), 135.

[5] T. Still, W. Cheng, M. Retsch, R. Sainidou, J. Wang, U. Jonas, N. Stefanou, and G. Fytas, Simultaneous occurrence of structure-directed and particle resonance-induced phononic gaps in colloidal films, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100 (2008), 194301.

[6] J.Wang, S.Ahl, Q.Li, M.Kreiter, T.Neumann, K.Burkert, W.Knoll,U.Jonas, Structural and optical characterization of 3D binary colloidal crystal and inverse opal films prepared by direct co-deposition, J. Mater.Chem., 18(2008), 981.

[7] L. Zhi, J. Wang, G. Cui, M. Kastler, B. Schmaltz, U. Kolb, U. Jonas, K. Müllen, From well-defined carbon-rich precursors to monodisperse carbon particles with hierarchic structures, Adv. Mater., 19 (2007),1849.

[8] K. Burkert, T. Neumann, J. Wang, U. Jonas, W. Knoll, H. Ottleben, Automated preparation method for colloidal crystal arrays of monodisperse and binary colloid mixtures by contact printing with a pintool plotter, Langmuir, 23 (2007), 3478.

[9] W. Cheng, J. Wang, U. Jonas, G. Fytas, N. Stefanou, Observation and tuning of hypersonic bandgaps in colloidal crystals, Nature Materials, 5 (2006), 830. —— Highlighted in Nature materials colloidal crystals go hypersonic, 5 (2006), 773.

[10] J. Wang, Q. Li, W. Knoll, U. Jonas, Preparation of multilayered trimodal colloid crystals and binary inverse opals, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128 (2006), 15606.

[11] S. Tian, J. Wang, U. Jonas, W. Knoll (J. Wang as the co-first author), Inverse opals of polyaniline and its copolymers prepared by electrochemical techniques, Chem. Mater., 17 (2005), 5726.

[12] W. Cheng, J. Wang, U. Jonas, G. Fytas, R. Penciu, E. Economou, The spectrum of vibration modes in soft opals, J. Chem. Phys., 123 (2005), 121104.